North Tyneside VODA’s Good Neighbours Project has been active across North Tyneside for almost a decade; we support volunteers to carry out tasks typical of a ‘good neighbour’ for vulnerable residents at no cost.

The Good Neighbours project focuses on practical support with shopping, picking up prescriptions and other some tasks such DIY and gardening. We offer one-off volunteering opportunities and more long-term commitments, like buddy support. This makes good neighbours a great opportunity to help out and support your local community. A little bit of help can go a long way.

What we do

Our team of Good Neighbour volunteers can assist with tasks such as:

  • Shopping on behalf of someone
  • Prescription drop-offs
  • Good Neighbours Buddies
  • DIY / Odd jobs
  • Gardening tasks

How can I refer into Good Neighbours for help?

The scheme is open to anyone aged 18+ who is a resident of North Tyneside and unable to complete the task themselves due to health, age or disability and has no one else they can call on for help.

Good Neighbour volunteers can assist with tasks typical of a ‘good neighbour’. Volunteers cannot assist with anything that requires specialist knowledge, tools or is a health and social care need. To make a referral please use the link below:

Once a referral is made, our team of volunteer co-ordinators will match one of our helpful volunteers to complete the task.

Could you be a Good Neighbour?

If you’re looking for a friendly and flexible volunteering opportunity then look no further. The Good Neighbours project has a number of roles available, so finding one that suits your interests and location is easy. You don’t need any particular skills or experience, just the desire and willingness to help people in the community who need it.

Here at The Good Neighbours project, we list opportunities on the Volunteero app. As one of our volunteers you’ll be given exclusive use of the app, meaning that you can choose from a range of volunteering opportunities that suit your lifestyle. See more on how the app works

If you want to volunteer close to home and on a flexible basis, we’d love to hear from you. Email one of the Good Neighbours team or fill in this form.

Contact the Good Neighbours Team:

Emma Bradwell

(Volunteer Co-ordinator) 07596806378

Keith Hardy 0191 6432626

(Safeguarding Lead)