All of our walks are pack walks comprise of 3 to 4 compatible dogs and all of our dogs are kept on their leads at all times. Doing this allows us to have full control of the pack and it minimises unwanted behaviour and potential flight risks as well as keeping them as safe and secure as possible around any dogs we may cross paths with when we're out and about.

All dogs are walked for 1 hour as a minimum, we say as a minimum because often they will be out for longer than that. Our main dog walking areas are North Shields, Tynemouth, Cullercoats and Whitley Bay.

Your dog will get to know a number of new doggy friends and we will establish a routine where your beloved pooch is walked with compatible dogs at a convenient time for you. Dogs are more settled once they are in a routine and we will work hard to establish a routine that best suits you and your dog.

The cost of a 1 hour dog walk is £11.