The Adult Learning Service has a highly skilled team of Tutors/Assessors providing a wide range of courses designed to improve your skills, learn something new and support people moving into employment or to widen employment prospects.
Courses are delivered in a range of accessible and convenient locations and are delivered by professional and experienced staff. Our exceptional support to learners is recognised by our most recent 'Good' rating by Ofsted.
We offer:
Adult Learning courses in a range of subjects including English and maths, ICT, early years and childcare, counselling, hospitality and catering and construction and horticulture. Our offer includes courses for adults with learning difficulties and disabilities (ALDD) and a community and family learning offer covering subjects such as modern foreign languages, art and crafts, cookery, drama, dancing and digital photography.
Apprenticeships for 16-18 and 19+ year olds in business administration, customer service, painting and decorating, construction and horticulture, early years and childcare, teaching and learning, youth work and hospitality and catering.
Study Programmes and Traineeships for 16-19 year olds act as a progression route for young people to move into further learning, apprenticeships and employment.
Alternative Education (Vocational Choices) offers a programme of support for pupils in Years 10 and 11 who are disengaging from the mainstream school curriculum and/or at risk of becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET). Vocational support is provided for 1-2 days per week to reengage pupils back into learning.
Volunteering opportunities to work with tutors to give extra support to our learners in classes such as English, maths and ICT, helping learners in preparation for work courses and supporting learners with learning difficulties and disabilities.
To find out about the courses we have on offer please visit our online course listings
To see the types of courses we offer please view our prospectus courses include fees, some courses are free and some courses have a full concession for eligible learners see website details.