We are a Spiritualist Church currently meeting in Balkwell Community Welfare Association’s ‘Hut’ at the top of Heaton Terrace. We are affiliated with the largest spiritualist organisation in the world, the Spiritualists National Union.

We hold public services on Sundays at 6.30 pm. The speakers at our services give an inspirational talk (philosophy) followed by mediumship, where they will connect with friends and loved ones in the spirit world and give messages to people in the congregation. The philosophy aims to give mindfulness of life after death, and communication can comfort the bereaved. Services also include prayer, Spiritualist Healing and music.

Our congregation are very friendly, and we give a very warm welcome, whether you want to come in just to see what we do, or would like to attend regularly.

We are just like other Churches, we are registered as a Place of Worship, we are a charity in our own right, we are registered for the solemnisation of marriages, and one of the very few Churches that are registered to conduct same-sex marriages. We hold naming services for children and adults, and we conduct spiritualist funerals. Our services give comfort to the bereaved and proof that life is eternal.

Individuals can request Church membership if they wish to adopt Spiritualism as their religion.

We are community-orientated and our services are open to everyone who wishes to come along. There is no charge to come in (except for occasional special events which are advertised in advance) but we are a charity and all donations towards hall hire are gratefully received.