We run a one to one mentoring project that looks to support individuals with learning disabilities and/or Autism who has enrolled on to our programme as a friendship finder to achieve their friendship goals.

As a Friendship Finder you will work with a mentor who will meet with you once a week/fortnight to help you meet up with existing friends or find new people and engage in community activities.

A 1-2-1 friendship mentor is not a friend of befriender to the person themselves, they are supporting but a mentor who will support their friendship finder to make their own friends.

All friendship finders will complete an induction covering 5 different training sessions including:-

  • What is a friend and what is not a friend

  • Barriers to making friends

  • Having a plan B

  • Conversation starters and stoppers

  • Digital support session

Mentors are there to help, support friendship finders in finding a friend(s) and maintaining that relationship.

If you are interested in becoming a Friendship Finder please complete an application form for the one to one mentoring project. The project is FREE to join

Please note this is NOT a befriending service but will assist in finding and maintaining friendships by giving people the skills and confidence to develop their own networks and take part in community activities