Personalised, holistic employment support.
Bespoke vocational profiling.
CV's, Interview Techniques, Application Forms.
Introductions to employers and local businesses.
Confidential and non-judgemental.
Based from North Tyneside Recovery Partnership in Wallsend.
IPS has eight key characteristics that distinguish it from most other forms of employment support: IPS is based on eight principles:
1. To get people into paid, competitive employment.
2. Is open to all those who want to work – work is part of the recovery journey, not the destination.
3. Tries to find jobs consistent with people's preferences.
4. Works quickly – contact is made with an employer within weeks.
5. Teams are embedded in and integrated with the treatment services - so that
employment becomes a core part of treatment and recovery.
6. Employer engagement – employment specialists develop relationships with employers based upon their clients’ work preferences.
7. Provides individualised support for the person and their employer - helping people to keep their jobs at difficult times.
8. Benefits counselling is included - so people can make informed decisions about work.