The North Tyneside Best Start project is led by VODA and supported by the 0 – 19 Children’s’ Public Health Service and Public Health.

When deciding whether to breastfeed or are considering stopping, mothers tend to talk over concerns with close friends or family. Unfortunately, due to a culture in the UK where few women breastfeed, social networks often lack positive breastfeeding experience.

The project aims to fill this gap by linking mothers who have parenting experience (peer supporters) to new mothers who may need support. Volunteer peer supporters for the Best Start Project will work closely with the 0 – 19 team and the infant feeding co-ordinator. They will volunteer in community venues supporting families with basic information sharing and support around:

  • Infant feeding
  • Safe sleep
  • Coping with crying
  • Normal Newborn behaviour
  • Emotional health
  • Transition to parenthood
  • Signposting to further support
  • The peer support will help to reduce parental isolation and give new parents an opportunity to meet other parents in their own community.