A Social enterprise is a business which trades with a social purpose or to benefit the community. Like traditional businesses they aim to make a profit but it’s what they do with their profits that sets them apart.

Social Enterprise is an exciting and fast growing sector in North Tyneside.

There are many different types of social enterprise business models and structures which vary according to their core purpose, ownership, management structure and accountability, these include for example Community Interest Companies (CIC), Trading Charities, Co-Operatives, Social Firms.

This element of the programme is delivered by a Social Enterprise Business Advisor to support individuals to explore social enterprise as an option when starting up a business and to help our existing social enterprises in the borough to grow.

If you are interested in setting up a business that will help others or the environment our Social Enterprise Business Advisor will support you to:

  • Explore the viability of your idea and set out a clear social and/or environmental mission
  • Write your business plan and figure out the Financials
  • Choose the right model (CIC, charity etc)
  • Support you through registering your business
  • Help you put policies and operational procedures in place to deliver your activities
  • Assist you with systems to measure your social impact to prove you are making a difference

If you are already established and looking at developing and improving your current projects and job creation support will be tailored to your needs and often includes helping you to:

  • Achieve greater impact, improve capacity
  • Review governance and structure
  • Scope new opportunities
  • Explore partnerships/collaboration opportunities to help you grow
  • Review finances, get Investment ready, systemise and develop new income streams
  • Re-engage and re-energise
  • Explore asset transfer

Get In Touch

If you want to explore developing a social enterprise or would like to grow your social enterprise, give us a call on 0191 605 3110.

Alternatively drop us an email on – info@businessfactorynt.co.uk and one of our advisors will be in touch.