Caring can be rewarding but many carers can feel isolated as they juggle their caring role with other responsibilities, especially during the pandemic. Our Carers' Community Link workers offer individually tailored support to help carers build resilience and identify barriers they face which prevent them having a life outside of their caring role.

Carers' Community Link Workers will support a carer to consider their own aspirations and the resources and activities in their local community they would like to access. They will offer wellbeing activities and groups to support carers. They will also make links with groups and organisations in the locality areas of North Tyneside, which they can signpost carers to and raise their awareness to help create carer-friendly communities. This will help recognise and support carers at an early stage and they will be less isolated as a result of being better connected to local people and organisations, allowing them to feel more part of the community.

To find out more: Email or telephone 01912496480.