Leena Graham - Empowerment Mentor

Is pain stopping you from enjoying life?

  • chronic aches and pains

  • muscle stiffness

  • painful joints

  • Headaches

Are mental and emotional issues stopping you from being the person you want to be?

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Inability to focus

  • Low self-esteem/confidence

  • Fear

  • Insomnia and inability to get a good night's sleep

  • Phobias

  • Anger issues

… or perhaps you have feelings that something just isn't 'right':

  • Lack of direction and purpose

  • Feelings of drifting

  • Indecision

  • Overwhelm

  • Negative thinking patterns

I can help you to create the life you want and become free of the issues that are getting in your way.

Together we will:

  • Understand the person you want to be

  • Create a clear and simple plan on how you will get there

  • Regain your energy and zest for life

How will we do this? I'll create a bespoke approach that is unique to you and your situation, combining a range of techniques involving:

  1. Reiki - a hands-on healing technique to help bring your body and mind to a state of natural balance and strength

  2. Meditation - you'll learn some simple methods to easily introduce in to everyday life

  3. Body and self awareness & bodywork - Through touch, discussion and breathing techniques you will learn to pay attention to yourself, your body, your behaviour, the habits and thought patterns that push and pull you and take back control of your own life.

I have a lovely treatment room inside of Whitley Bay's beautiful Blue Button cafe. Contact me now for your 15 minutes no obligation phone consultation to find out how I can help you.

Evening and weekend appointments also available.