Health Services
Find information and services related to physical health and medical needs in North Tyneside. Here's what you'll find in this category:
Specialist Care: Explore information about specialists and healthcare facilities for specific medical conditions or concerns.
Healthcare Events: Stay updated on health-related workshops, health fairs, and events in your community.
Health Tips and Resources: Access articles, guides, and resources to help you make informed decisions about your health and wellbeing.
We're committed to helping you access the healthcare services you need to live well.
Addiction Support

Alcohol Awareness (Public Health)
Regularly drinking too much alcohol can have severe effects on your health. There are over 60 medical conditions that you may be at increased risk of by drinking above the guidelines, including mouth, throat, stomach, liver and breast cancers, high blood pressure, cirrhosis of the liver and depression. Whilst it is true that many adults enjoy alc… >

Veteran Recovery College
The Anxious Minds Veteran Recovery College offers a variety of outpatient community mental health services to military veterans and their families who are struggling with issues related to mental health and addiction to anyone suffering whilst waiting for OP Courage or Community Mental Health and long term support for veterans and their families l… >

Stop Smoking (Public Health)
Every year about 78,000 people in England die from smoking. For every death caused by smoking, around 20 smokers are suffering from a smoking related disease. It is the number one cause of preventable death and illness in the country. About half of all lifelong smokers will die early, losing 10 years of life on average. In North Tyneside half of … >